Thursday, July 24, 2008

23rd July 2008

Happy Birthday to You.

It's a Happy Day to You, but Sad Day to Me.
You eat, I pay.
You got your new wallet, I got my mobile lost... :~(

Thursday, July 17, 2008


我任性。对, 非常任性
度身定做吗? 这钱可不是我任性得起的。
上演一哭二闹三上吊吗? 谁理我? 吊死了还不知道什么事呢!
heh! 任性不起这种感受还真难顶, 气死我了!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

维多利亚, 澳洲

洁仪定了机票到澳洲去观光,要我为她介绍些旅游景点。 哈,墨尔本,难不了我吧,在那儿留学的几年并不是假的哦!嘴巴上介绍了几个景点,心里却想着回家去弄个图文并茂的介绍书。谁知翻转了整个电脑,才发现原来平时常去的地方,都没有拍照留念,真失策!


Great Ocean Road

来到维多利亚, 当然要到 Great Ocean Road 啦!


天气不好,乌云密布。我就告诉你, 我一下车就下雨,看,有图为证!
到 Great Ocean Road 的话, 记得到 Warrnambool 去,可能可以看到 whale 哦! 据说它们会在六月到九月之间出没。可是我上一次七月去就没有看到,还真不够运的!

Sovereign Hill, Ballarat




也可以参加个 Gold Mine Tour







还有像是要打枪的 *_*

有发黄金梦的 ^-^


待续。。。 (悃了)

Monday, July 14, 2008

No Money No Talk

C: We should place a mirror in the living room and master bedroom, it’ll make the living room and bedroom look more spacious…
A: Brilliant!!!

C: The walls are too plain in white color; maybe we can build a wood panel on one side of the wall like the show house.
A: Hmm, good idea!

C: Hmm, there’s this walkway here, but we want to enclose the kitchen. I think we should ask someone to tailor make a display unit with lights to conceal this walkway, what do you think?
A: Good, I like it.

C: We should custom make a ceiling high shoe rack here, and a bench with cushion top so that we can sit down nicely to wear shoes, good?
A: Of course!

Weeks later….
Z: A wall size mirror at least cost few thousand…
C: I think we should postpone this mirror idea, hor?
A: yealor…

G: Sir, to make some wooden decoration on one side of the wall should cost you at least RM3k.
C: Wow, that’s expensive…
A: Wow, then we gotta drop this fancy idea…

G: Mr, the estimated cost for this tailored made build in display unit plus a wall to conceal the walkway is RM3500.
C: *_*
A: ….

G: And the shoe rack and bench should cost you RM2800.
C: -_-"
A: -_-

Too many ideas, too little money… -_-

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Brussel, Belgium

The street is full of chocolate shop, belgium chocolate...hmmm...yummy!

Grand'Place (Grote Markt) is the central market square of Brussels. This historic market square with its splendid guild houses and the impressive Gothic beauty of the Town Hall, is widely considered to be one of the most beautiful town squares in Europe.

Vincent Van Gogh

Delicious Belgium Waffle, they are freshly made in those small shops along the street. MUST TRY!!!

One of the legeneds behind this statue says that this little boy, named Juliaanske saved the city by urinated on the burning fuse of an explosive charges placed by attacker.

Town hall

Grand'Place at night